People to be grateful for - Paul
July 11, 2017The thing about Tio (“uncle” in Spanish)/Paul is that, well,
to be accurate, he doesn’t do his hair like that anymore. Now that I got that
out of the way, I can tell you that I never know how to credit him. You see, he’s
the person behind many of my projects or adventures, if not physically then
I never really take photos of him *facepalm*. Moreover, I
used to take his phone, because his camera was better than mine, or tell him
off when he was recording instead of filming. “What are you going to do with
videos instead of photos?”, I remember asking him *facepalm*.
Behind his innocent laughter hides a complex, idealist
personality. He’s a chameleon. He gets on well with everyone from the first
encounter and everyone likes him back. I know because they always come back to
me and tell me. You can introduce him to parents, friends, old fashioned
grandparents, introverts or party animals.
He adapts easily as long as there is some sort of music in
the background. He doesn’t smoke or drink and I appreciate his conscious choice
behind it.
When I have an idea, he always pushes me to make it happen.
When I need to get somewhere, he takes me. When I want to go on a road trip, he’s
driving. When I need to talk to someone, I call him. When everyone asked us if
we’re together, I wasn’t even surprised. We never were because he’s always been
like a brother to me. I’ve never met someone to encourage me create, the way he
did. Then he helps me find the circumstances to create and steps aside, always
ready to jump in if he’s needed. He carried my backpack many times and stopped
talking when I had to take a photo of something then and there.
He used to come long way on the tube or drive to my house,
where we would stay up talking until 5am. Our jaws always hurt of so much
talking but we just wouldn’t….shut up!
I have the weirdest arguments with him and his complete
dislike of Apple, although it doesn’t bother me much. We always talk, over
coffee and Chinese food, how we want to live in a creative house, have people
over, working on exciting projects and adventures. He’s Spanish is great, his
Romanian is good, his English is getting there and he always makes us laugh
with tears in a lot of languages he doesn’t know.
He’s wildly practical. Myself and Eve watched him take apart
all the furniture and put it back together in no time. He’s a man of many
talents and if I were to say what he’s the best at, I would say he’s the man who
makes things happen.